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LTO Accepts Online Submission of Medical Certificate

Fulfilling your LTO requirements? Good news: you can now submit your medical exam online!

By: Yoorekka Team | April 10, 2019
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LTO, medical exam, auto news

The compound of the Land Transportation Office along East Avenue in Diliman, Quezon City

Image: LTO’s Official Website

In a bid to streamline the processing of its various functions, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) has issued a memorandum recently allowing the submission of medical certificates online as part of the LTO requirements for driver’s license application and renewal.

The agency’s website reported that Memorandum Circular No. 2018 – 2157 mandates all LTO licensing offices to accept medical certificates sent electronically through the agency’s new information technology system. LTO offices nationwide have begun accepting online submission of medical certificates two months ago.

The agency’s Regional Directors and Assistant Regional Directors also gave a week’s notice to physicians issuing or intending to issue medical examination certificates for driver's license applications and other related transactions about the implementation of the new order.

Physicians who opt to be part of LTO’s IT system can check the requirements needed to be complied before the agency’s regional offices through the Regional Operators Division chiefs.

Meanwhile, the complete list of the accredited clinics and doctors that can issue online medical certificates for driver's license and student's permit application can be viewed at LTO’s website:

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