First Time International Flight Traveler Tips for a Hassle-Free Trip

Quite clueless on your first-ever travel overseas? Keep these tips in mind!

By: Eunice Sheene Fulgencio | May 23, 2018
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first time international flight traveler tips

Each person has their own ultimate life goal they want to have achieved by a certain age. As they grow old, some people might want to start a family, while others might want to climb the corporate ladder until they’re at the top, but a common ambition among most young adults is to travel the world.

If you are at that point of your life where you’re finally able to afford to travel to different parts of the globe, then congratulations! It isn’t easy to get there, but it is worth it if you get to live the dream of exploring every corner of this world.

If you’re travelling overseas for the first time, some points of caution are necessary to help make it as memorable and hassle-free as possible. Below are some of the best first time international flight traveler tips that can help you have a less daunting and overwhelming trip abroad.

1. Polish your travel itinerary.

first time international flight traveler tips

Travel itineraries help you realize your priorities for the trip.

First things first, and since your first time doing something sets the bar, you would want to make it as special as it can be. To make that possible, choose your destination carefully and look it up on the internet to know the things to do there. Do some heavy research on the sights you can’t miss out on, the activities you would like to experience, and the food you’d like to try. It’s also a good idea to buy a guidebook to carry around with you while exploring. Planning an itinerary will also help ensure that you do not waste any time, and that you get to squeeze in as much exciting adventure as possible on your trip.

2. Prep your phone.

first time international flight traveler tips

Phones are a crucial item to have wherever you are in the world.

Chances are you won’t get to use the same phone service in your country of destination. That’s why you should activate your phone’s international data services before hopping on that plane. By doing this beforehand, you also avoid incurring expensive roaming charges. If your phone doesn’t have this option you can instead opt to buy a cheap yet capable phone and a local SIM card once you’ve arrived. Also, make sure you have a voltage converter with you for charging your gadgets, as other countries may only sell chargers with different voltages.

3. Pack light and right.

first time international flight traveler tips

Smart packing is one of the most important tips every traveller should know about.

Although it is tempting to pack 40 different outfits for your OOTD pictures, it just isn’t practical. Try to be realistic in deciding what you would definitely need on your trip. Bringing too much stuff with you that you won’t get to use will slow you down, and lugging around and keeping an eye on a heavy bag won’t make your trip any more enjoyable. Just make sure you have with you all your basic necessities, and be thorough in preparing for everything. If you ever come across a necessity even after all your preparations, you can just make the purchase in the country you’re in.

4. Familiarize yourself with your destination.

first time international flight traveler tips

Studying up on your trip will only work to your advantage.

It is always an advantage to know about the place even before getting there. While you don’t need to master the language right away or to know every sign and turn while driving around, familiarizing yourself with a few important phrases and being aware of landmarks will definitely help you get around. Also, study up on the common traditions and behaviors of the culture of the country you’re visiting so you don’t run the risk of offending someone.

5. Protect your valuables.

first time international flight traveler tips

Always be on the lookout for your possessions.

Since you’ll be in an unfamiliar location, you need to be on your guard 24/7, no matter how safe you think the place seems. Travelling safe and secure will keep you from unwanted mishaps that will make you regret going on a trip that’s supposed to be relaxing. Having a combination lock for your luggage is a smart move and ensures that only you have access to your personal belongings. If you can, always carry your valuables with you wherever you go. Also, availing of travel insurance might seem unnecessary at first, but it will surely be a godsend if ever the worst happens to your valuables, so you can opt for it if you have the bucks to spare. Additionally, it would also be wise to know the things to do when your airline loses your baggage.

6. Be mindful of the locals.

first time international flight traveler tips

Respect begets respect no matter the country.

What might be a vacation for you is everyday life to them. Even though you paid for everything, you are still technically visiting another culture’s home. Be mindful enough to not leave your trash anywhere, to go where you’re not supposed to, or ruin any of their natural resources, which might even be the source of their livelihood. Be respectful to the locals too, especially when asking for directions or requesting for help. Also, keep in mind that you aren’t the only traveller to explore the land so leave the place as beautiful as it was when you first arrived so people can enjoy the place as much as you do.

7. Have the time of your life!

first time international flight traveler tips

Live your life the best way you can, always.

Your travelling experience will help you be shape yourself to be the person you want to become. Be adventurous yet cautious, spontaneous yet attentive, and appreciative yet respectful. Try out all the food the place has to offer, take in all the breath-taking sights, and be friendly to people you meet. Take this opportunity in stride to help you get out of your comfort zone, become more culturally aware, and make fond memories you’ll always remember.

Your first trip abroad will always be special for a number of reasons. These tips will not only ensure your safety, but also make your trip as unforgettable as it can be.

Know of other handy tips for first-time travellers? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below!
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About Eunice Sheene Fulgencio
Eunice knew that she’d be writing for the rest of her life from a very young age. Naturally introverted, she is selective with how she uses her time and who she spends it with. Has a penchant for sweet treats, sentimental proses, and online personality quizzes. A true-blue INFJ.
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