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Top 10 Best Gifts Millennial Students Want for their Graduation Day

Get ideas on the best gift items for millennial graduates!

By: Patricia Marie Prado | March 26, 2017
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Graduation is always a big milestone in someone’s life. May it be a high school graduate moving to his dream university or a college graduate who finally finished her degree after years of studying and working part-time to afford school. No matter the effort and the cost, our graduates should be celebrated and rewarded for their hard work.

This week, we asked our readers about the top gifts perfect for our graduates. Read on our list below and see what item is perfect for your child or friend.

7. Computer, Dress, and House and Lot

Three gifts tied our 7th spot and these are a computer, a dress, and a house and lot.

gift items for millenial graduates

Computers are always a great investment for any student.

With the growing technology in our world, a computer, nowadays, is not just a want but a need. This makes it a perfect gift for your graduates especially if they are entering college. Having their own computers will make it easier for them to access materials online and make researching a breeze.

Dress, on the other hand, is also a nice surprise. If you know a college graduate, the next thing on their goals list is, of course, getting a job. A nice coat or even a gift certificate from their favorite shop or clothing brand is a great gift so they could get ready for the interviews they’ll be attending in the future.

Lastly, another great gift for a fresh grad is a house and lot. This may seem intimidating to some but a house and lot or a condominium unit can be a big help for a college graduate. If you’re graduate is planning to work in central business districts like Makati or Ortigas, we know that commute in EDSA is hard. Having their own space close to their workplaces gives them a little bit of an ease on their new journey and a sense of independence too.

6. Jewelry

gift items for millenial graduates

Give a gift that will last forever like jewelry.

On our number six is jewelry. Graduation is a once in a lifetime event and a gift that will last forever, like jewelry, would be a great gift for graduates. Splurge a little and surprise your loved one with a personalized necklace or a simple ring to remind them of their accomplishment. You can also opt for earrings or bracelets that they can wear for formal events or in the office once they started working.

5. Action camera, tablet, and Xbox

Voter’s comment:
“For documenting my future travels” – Rachel

gift items for millenial graduates

Allow your graduate to pursue their passion for photography by giving them a camera.

Action cameras, or just a simple camera, are great gifts especially if your graduate is passionate about capturing moments. Nowadays, millennials are eager to travel and a camera will give them the chance to take pictures around the world. Action cameras will give them the flexibility of using it in underwater adventures or trekking mountains while cameras or SLRs are perfect for photo enthusiasts that want to turn their passion into a profession.

Tablets are also a nice gift for your graduates. Your newly graduate can use it as a source of entertainment during their summer vacation or get the job done once they start studying or working. Tablets are also portable and can double as a laptop so they can check their emails and other documents while on the go.

If your high school graduate is craving for some downtime after a tiring senior year, giving them an Xbox can be a great reward after graduation. Despite the notion that Xbox, just like any other computer game console, will make players sedentary, it has role playing games and the Kinect feature that require players to perform physical activities.

Kinect reads the player’s body movement through a camera and allows them to play interactive games like dancing and exercising to keep them active and moving.

4. Car

gift items for millenial graduates

Indulge your graduate a little and give him or her a car.

For those who are willing to indulge their fresh graduates, you may consider giving a car, which is on our number four. Cars maybe expensive, and giving it as a gift takes a lot of work (insurance, taxes, etc.), but if your graduate deserves it, why not? A car is a great gift for incoming college students who live far from their school or for job seekers who needs to travel from one interview to another. A car will also give them a sense of responsibility and independence.

3. Phone

gift items for millenial graduates phone

Give your graduate the latest model of his or her favorite brand.

The third spot on our list belongs to phone. With new models coming out every year, for sure your graduates are excited to receive the newest model of their favorite brand. Their phones will be a source of entertainment during the summer and will come in handy once they start another school year especially if they are studying somewhere far. Their new smartphone will also be a big help to keep them reachable and updated while they look for a new job.

2. Cash and Laptop

gift items for millenial graduates

Help a graduate become more efficient and give them a computer set.

For our top two, cash and laptop tied the list. Cash is always a great gift so your graduate can have the luxury of selecting the gift that he or she wanted to purchase. If you know that your graduate is saving up for something, maybe a new gadget or item that he or she really likes, a few bucks could go a long way.

A laptop on the other hand is a perfect gift for incoming college students. Laptops are portable and can be brought anywhere giving your graduate the option to finish his homework wherever he is. For fresh grads who are looking for a job, a laptop will also be a big help for them in craftinga killer resume and during their application process.

1. Vacation trip

gift items for millenial graduates

Give your graduate a well-deserved R and R!

The best gift that graduates want is… a vacation trip! After years of hard work, a nice trip out of town or abroad will be a great gift to any graduate. Aside from a well-deserved rest and recreation, travel widens ones borders and will give them an experience of a lifetime. Studies show that traveling helps a person become more creative, better at problem solving, and eager to try new things. This will give any graduate an edge once they start applying for a job.

Results are based on the Top 10 Gift items Millennial Students Want to Receive on their Graduation Day Poll posted at the home page of ShoppersGuide.com.ph from March 13 to 19, 2017.
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About Patricia Marie Prado
Patricia came from the field of business and accounting but is now pursuing her dreams of being a writer. She is a self-confessed introvert and is passionate about reading, travelling, writing, movies, coffee and God. When she's not writing, she loves discovering new coffee shops/cafe and doing TV-series marathons.
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