This Week News

This Week in Boracay (June 1 to 7, 2019)

The start of June brings about notable travel updates in the island of Boracay!

By: Karen Bermejo | June 01, 2019
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Boracay, news, travel, things to do, rainy season, weather

If you are lucky, you can still enjoy a beautiful sunset even on a gloomy day.

Image: Pexels / lambo999

Although the rainy season is yet to be officially announced, the first week of June brings rain for the island of Boracay. On other news, on-call vehicles are being suggested to lessen the widespread overcharging of public vehicles to the tourists of the island. Meanwhile, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources is eyeing "tropical design" to be the latest branding of new establishments.

Finally, accredited resorts allowed to operate rise in number. For more details about these travel developments, read on!

Weather: Rainy season is coming

It’s not officially rainy season yet, but thunderstorms can be expected in Boracay throughout this week especially in the morning [1]. But despite the morning rain, the temperature remains humid peaking at 32°C and at a minimum of 30°C. It will still be partly sunny during midday though, especially in the middle of the week. Rain or shine, bringing an umbrella is not a bad idea. With the expected rain, expect that some areas on the island get flooded. Wearing of boots is advised to avoid getting soaked on flood waters.

Traffic News: On-call vehicles to prevent overcharging pushed

A councilor in Malay is proposing to have on-call vehicles in Boracay to prevent instances of overcharging [2]. The on-call drivers of vehicles will only base their rates on the approved tariff. The proposal is pushed after several complaints have reached the office of Malay Councilor Maylynn Aguirre Graf. In April, the local government likewise imposed the strict implementation of local traffic ordinances to promote discipline among drivers and motorists on the island.

Travel Updates

Tropical design for Boracay building proposed

“Tropical design” is being eyed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as a new branding for establishments in Boracay [3]. The proposal calls for the integration of native touches such as wood, bamboo, stone elements, and earth-tone colors most especially for new establishments. Existing businesses can also incorporate it on their respective properties. The guidelines from DENR also eye the usage of Baybayin, an ancient Filipino script as the main language for signage around the island.

Accredited resorts now at 353

There are already 353 accredited compliant accommodations in Boracay you can choose from. This is based on the latest advisory of the Department of Tourism (DOT) [4]. The accredited establishments also comprise a total of 12,907 rooms. To enter Boracay nowadays after the six-month closure, you have to get a confirmed booking from these compliant establishments. However, despite the high number of rooms available, the carrying capacity of the island is still imposed. Only 6,405 tourists are allowed to enter the island daily while only 19,215 are allowed to stay on any given day.

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About Karen Bermejo
Karen is a writer, a traveler, and a volunteer. Her ultimate dream is to travel the world, master a foreign language, and learn how to swim. To keep her sanity while chasing her dreams, she’s scaling mountains on weekends.
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