This Week in Boracay (May 6 to 12, 2018)

Good weather means rehabilitation works will go faster.

By: Karen Bermejo | May 06, 2018
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swimming rules in Boracay beach

A less crowded White Beach after the closure

Image by writer

It has been ten days already since the island was closed for tourists. With the temporary closure, only residents, workers, the media, and government officials involved in the rehabilitation of the island are allowed to enter the island. To give a glimpse of what is going inside the famous island, below are the things you should know.

Weather: Hot weather with morning rain showers

Hotter days are not yet over. A maximum temperature of 32°C and a minimum of 29°C shall be expected this week. Despite the hot weather, some rain shower can be expected throughout the week especially in the morning. Good weather and less rain is meanwhile advantageous to fast-track the rehabilitation works being done on the island.

Traffic News: One-way scheme implemented due to road widening

The road widening of the seven-kilometer main road of Boracay is one of the priorities during the six-month closure. Part of the work includes the demolition of establishments within six meters from the center of the road. A number of establishments have voluntarily demolished their structures while others were demolished by the government through the Department of Public Works and Highways. Due to this, some road networks have been closed to give way for constructions of roads. A one-way scheme has also been implemented since the closure started on April 26.

Travel Updates

Strict entry process and new swimming rules in Boracay beach

As rehabilitation starts, stricter rules are being implemented. More police are assigned at the port to ensure that no tourists can enter Boracay. Starting April 26, only residents with valid IDs and workers with terminal passes have been allowed to enter the port. Only media with accreditation IDs from the Department of Tourism shall be allowed as well. This means that only those with verification stamps upon entering can proceed to buy a boat ticket to the island.

Since April 26, only residents were also allowed to swim at White Beach. However, swimming is only allowed from 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM in Station 1.

Penalties served to erring establishments

Following some inspections and validations, violating establishments have been identified too. Among them are those who are illegally connecting their sewage lines to the drainage system. Identified violators have already been required to face penalties.

Passed Law: New bill for sustainable tourism introduced

Due to what happened in Boracay, a new bill has been pushed to promote sustainable tourism in the country. The Philippine Sustainable Tourism Act was introduced by Congresswoman Lucy Torres-Gomez. The bill which seeks to protect tourism destinations in the country and to create programs that promotes sustainability and environmental protection.
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About Karen Bermejo
Karen is a writer, a traveler, and a volunteer. Her ultimate dream is to travel the world, master a foreign language, and learn how to swim. To keep her sanity while chasing her dreams, she’s scaling mountains on weekends.
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